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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

More Research Confirming what we Already Know about Females on the Spectrum


  1. Paul Stamets, Suzanne Simard, Michael Pollan, Josep Mª Fericgla,
    Valentina Pavlovna Wasson

    con la ingestion de enteogenos, el cerebro puede explorar vias neuronales alternativas, para un autista, esto le abre posibilidades y agrega habilidades neurotipicas, para un neurotipico, esto le agrega habilidades autisticas

    teoria-de-la-mente: actividades de la vista periferica ayudan los autistas de todos tipos

    La naturaleza psicodélica de la psilocibina se ha disfrutado durante miles de años en todo el mundo. Sus compuestos, al igual que otros alimentos, son el alimento natural del sistema nervioso de los mamiferos. Estos compuesto incrementan la eficiencia de la vista periferica y el proceso de la senal visual en el cerebro ( neuronas oculares bastones )
    Otras investigaciones indican que la psilocibina, la principal sustancia psicodélica de las setas mágicas, puede ayudar con el tratamiento del TOC.

    " removed many aspects of autism and literally fixed my brain!"
    Part 1: Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms) and Aspergers Syndrome – Life changing

    What follows below is a journal of my progress & experiments in Psychedelic Therapy. I’ll update this post as I make further progress.
    TL;DR: I removed many aspects of autism and literally fixed my brain! I can now understand emotions & social interaction, eliminated depression, and now actually have a future.
    Read below! Or skip to the List of changes!

    ayudan autistas con psilocibina, baile, kungfu, taichi, iniciando la actividad comiendo 'enteogenos' en ayunas, para dar un cafecito al cerebro humano.
    dicen que esto ayuda su vision periferica ( conos, bastones, retina, neuronas )
    los hongos con triptaminas 'magicos' y las trufas magicas que se consiguen en los bosques, las montanas, las granjas, o en la red, masticadas, ingeridas en grandes cantidades dan la autista las habilidades neurotipicas y vice versa. ( siempre en ayunas, y siempre empezando por comer pequenas cantidades y luego aumentar progresivamente la cantidad, tomar cada sabado, o una vez al mes, o pequena cantidad cada manana, y grandes cantidades cada 3 semanas en ayunas siempre mejor.) ayuda al cerebro " autista " o "asperger" a balancear todas las areas donde le gustaria aprender nuevas cosas:) los animales que el humano consume, naturalmente consumian estos tipos de comidas enteogenicas, con la agricultura moderna, las vacas, las gallinas, no comen mas las flores, los hongos o las raices enteogenicas. sus cualidades ya no se transmiten

    List of everything that’s changed since I took Psilocybin only 11 times a few months ago. (Read the full story here)

    1. In no particular order:

      Depression eliminated
      Emotional ability installed (!)
      Discovered my own identity
      Discovered & can now feel emotion in music
      Discovered friendship
      Processing words as a sentence not on their own
      Conversation flow is now natural, no more planning sentences or scripting
      Understanding of humor / making & understanding jokes
      Understanding of sarcasm & double-meanings
      Understanding of non-verbal communication
      Better sleeping & waking up schedule
      More energy than ever before
      Physical discomfort doesn’t ruin the day like it used to (hayfever etc)
      Constant headache I’ve had since 2016 has gone entirely
      Can now almost turn off all logical thought and just “be”. Mindfulness maybe?
      Able to shift my focus on demand, literally steer the trip
      Able to speak my mind, no more filter or blocking on my words
      No longer need any sort of routine or plans
      No more faking anything or trying to be someone I’m not
      Can now do natural non-forced eye contact with anyone
      I know what I’m looking for in a relationship
      Negotiating through crowds doesn’t bother me
      Able to interrupt people appropriate for the situation
      Making and taking non-planned phone calls
      Reduced taste sensitivity overload
      Read below! Or skip to the List of changes!

      Any one of those would be a life-changing event prior to all this, and those are just the ones I’ve been able to notice in the ~4 months since I first took Psilocybin.

      The potential of this really is beyond words.
      Please spread this knowledge and make others aware of Psychedelic Therapy, this can help so many other people like myself.

      If you have any questions you can contact me on Telegram via:

      Or on Twitter at:


      I’m available for any questions / interviews etc, and would love to spread the word about Psychedelic Therapy.

