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Thursday, September 20, 2012

More on the Neurotypical Question

I recently received a comment in response to my post about the term Neurotypical   with a link to their blog. I add to reprint here as it is a fascinating insight into neurology.


  1. Interesting article from Dr Jon Brock called 'Can MRI scans be used to diagnose autism?':

  2. Hello, MY Name is Samantha , I came across your blog through the special needs forum in Raising Children site,,, IM trying to get into contact with like minded families like your self,,,I have 2 children with Autism , my daughter has high functioning autism and my son has autism and intelectilal impairment,,,!,,,WE live in QLd at the moment but are moving to Perth (nor) early next year ,,, Have so many questions ,,,have rang around schools and autism services but would like some info from local parents as well and hopefully make some new friends,,, as you know it can be hard moving to a new place and trying to fit in...was wondering if you have an autism support page for Perth families in Perth?,,My Facebook name is Samantha Foster Rodgers...hope to hear from you soon ,,,Kind regards Samantha

  3. Hi there Samantha, there are no autism specific pages I am aware of. There's one for families of all kids with special needs, I am not a member, but I can try to find a link for you. There's also an Autism association here and a group called Autism West. To be honest with you I don't have anything to do with these organisations, or parent groups in general because Ive developed a network of support online, and through our service provider here. Will either of your children being doing any early intervention programs here? If you do ABA or would like to, I administer a group on facebook for parents who choose ABA and that has many parents in Perth in it. We occasionally meet up socially too.
