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Monday, September 26, 2011

My Perspectives.

I've been putting my foot in it lately it seems. Something I've quite the talent for. Over at the there's been a week long dialogue between Autistic self advocates and parents of children/adults with disabilities. The intention was to find ways to bridge the divide. At this point I fear the gulf remains wide, and I see no short term resolution. Frankly it's hard not to respond defensively when you feel under attack. Being told continuously you have privilege ( particularly by men) and that you are unaware of, or exploiting that, when you are both aware of it and not exploiting it, can be a bitter pill. This along with no acknowledgment of the concurrent hardships I face on a day to day basis makes the valid aspects of a message hard to absorb.  Do I feel defensive? Yes. Have I allowed that to cloud my responses? Yes. Could I be more humble? Always.

It's been a difficult process that I have considered walking away from. It also brought a lot of traffic to this blog. So in the interests of showing any further visitors from TPGTA to this blog my thoughts on the importance of hearing Autistic voices, I have provided some links below.  I do this because I want people to see what my position was prior to these dialogues. I am not trying to appease, or point score in the TPGTA forum. Nor am I trying to derail conversations. I am not trying to silence any voices (except perhaps my own now) I think my posts here far better explain my perspective than those at TPGA. If I have one major take away from this whole thing, it is not to respond impulsively. Which I did, consistently. I'm sorry about that.

The following posts may be clumsy and inarticulate in part. Many being written on the run. But I think they convey my rambling thoughts well enough. If you choose only one post of the several below I encourage you to visit the fourth down 'Introducing a New Blog'. Written by an Autistic woman who is raising a child with Autism.


  1. Thank you, I'm reading.

  2. mybrainyourbrain, it's difficult for me to convey to you how much I appreciate that. Thankyou.

  3. You said, "If I have one major take away from this whole thing, it is not to respond impulsively. Which I did, consistently. I'm sorry about that."

    I feel the same way about that.

  4. Hi Dixie and thanks for dropping in to my lil ol blog.
    I appreciated your contributions at the dialogues over the last week and a bit.
    take care, and thanks again.
