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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How I Love Thee...When Your'e Far, Far Away.

Hubby has taken Harri down south for a few days. Giving me a much needed opportunity to sort and declutter the house. There's nothing I enjoy more these days than cleaning a room and one hour later seeing it still tidy. That might sound pathetic to some, but it brings me great pleasure. A sense of accomplishment that lasts a whole day rather than 10 minutes. Trying to keep the house in order when Harri is at home is like a rat running in a wheel. Constantly moving yet never getting anywhere.( And, while tidying I finally found the missing remote control for our bedroom fan. Hoo friggin ray!) I hear you ask, why bother knocking yourself out with housework all day? It's because if I did not the chaos would drown us all eventually. Crawling out from under the debris that would accumulate after a while would be just too hard. Much easier to keep on top of it.

Also mornings with only one, albeit crippled, child to ready for school is sooo much easier. Then I return home to a leisurely morning of washing, hanging out washing, sweeping, vaccuming, dishes and so forth. Yeah, good times. Might sound dull to some, but that's my job these days. And doing my job without Harri at home is like being on vacation...while doing my job. Kinda.

But despite the reprieve from caring for such a little whirlwind I miss him. When I walk past his therapy table, with all the chairs upright rather than kocked over, his toys all neatly stacked rather than strewn everywhere, I get a twang on the heartstrings. His absence, though peaceful, also brings with it clarity. The opporunity to step back and take a bit of a birds eye view of him rather than the micro management view that comes with daily wranglings. This allows me to see what a fantastic little fellow he really is. What a vibrant, intelligent, resilient and interesting little person he is becoming. I know we have tough times ahead, but right now I find him to not just be my adorable little two year old, but also an intriguing boy who I am completely mesmerized (and terrorised) by.

 Absence really does make the heart grow fonder, and on that note I recommend parents spend as much time away from their ASD kids as possible..hee hee.


  1. This is exactly the feeling I get on Monday mornings when the school bus leaves, gazing at the chaos and trying to tidy and clean the weekend's clutter ready for BB to get home in the afternoon and put his things right back where he left them!

  2. bbsmum I dream of a day when a school bus comes...

  3. **lol** @ the last line!

    And boy, can I relate!! Even just when he used to still take naps, I could feel the whole house sigh with relief! I hear the autism services are really good in Australia and New Zealand. Hubs is trying to get a transfer there, or maybe find a job in the US where there's also a really good autism infrastructure. Our services here are really appalling and there's not much to be had privately either. Except the speech therapist who's really good! **yay**

  4. Yep MM I am never weaning him off his day time nap. I am surprised to hear the services in the US are appalling. I thought you guys were ahead of the curve in terms of ASD support and programs. There's so much awareness over there I suppose I made the assumption that the help would be there too.
    Let me know if you move down here, I might be able to give you a few pointers,

  5. My ASD guy is a teenager now, but I still feel the same about the constant mess he leaves in his wake and the periods when it's cleaned up for just a little while. I also agree about having more clarity and appreciation for my boy when he's away for a bit - just for the school day or for a weekend campout. I actually feel that way about all the guys in my house. :)

  6. Ha ha Diane, I can't count the times I have nagged my dh about how cleaning up after him is like having another kid in the house. My girls are just as bad however. The joys of motherhood.

  7. Hi K-floortime lite mama, thanks for coming by.

  8. No, I live in the UK. The services here are pretty appalling. I hear that in the US (especially on the NE coast) they have some of the best services worldwide. Thanks so much for offering to give us pointers. We're still at the beginning stages, have just written to about 30 schools in the Sydney area asking for information and stuff. Don't know how long it will take to find out more about our situation. **tries not to get too impatient**
